Submitted by Rocksolid Community Teen Center

Rocksolid Community Teen Center is planning a Dodgeball Tournament Fundraiser July21 to be held right after the Battle Ground Harvest Days Parade, estimated to start at 1:00 PM. Harvest Days is Battle Ground’s largest annual festival for the community. The Dodgeball Tournament will be held in the East gym of Battle Ground High School. Teams of maximum 10 players each in two different age groups; 10-18 and 19 & over, may register for $100/team on the teen center’s website: Registration, waivers and payment link are all available on the website.

Prizes will be given for winning team, most team spirit, and best uniforms. Concessions will be available. Ryan Philbrook with Ametsa Media is planned to announce the event. Amber Sweeney, local artist, will open with the national anthem. A raffle, music and lots of fun is planned. Entry to watch the event is only $1.00 each.

Event presenting sponsor is Bridge Building Supply, but other sponsorship levels are still available.

Questions regarding event can be directed to Marcy Sprecher, Executive Director, 360.885.2181.

“We are excited to bring this entertaining contest back to Harvest Days. We hope there will be lots of fun, friendly competition. Bring it on!” States Marcy Sprecher, Executive Director

About Rocksolid Community Teen Center

Rocksolid Community Teen Center offers a safe place after school for 5th -12th grade students in the Battle Ground and Hockinson School Districts. The teen center provides caring mentors which help with homework, play games, make crafts, teach life skills, offer free healthy snacks, contribute to community service projects and much more for only $20 a year per student. Rocksolid is located in the lower level of Bethel Lutheran Church, where they have graciously donated the space. Our mission is “To provide a safe place for youth of our community and to foster relationships with one another and caring adults for the purpose of encouraging them to become ROCKSOLID persons.” If you are interested finding more about the program, Marcy Sprecher, Executive Director, can be reached at

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