Tales of Sasquatch sightings seem to be as common in the Pacific Northwest as sunny days- something we pretend doesn’t happen. In almost every community around the Evergreen State, talks of Bigfoot pop up among locals and visitors. Like rainy winters, towering trees and volcanic peaks, the legend of Sasquatch is a part of the region and while many don’t believe, the narrative of the mythical beast is a constant, unable to be avoided. If you are seeking for answers, here are places to look for Sasquatch in Clark County.
In and around Clark County, sightings of Sasquatch are more common than one may think. In the past 20 years in Clark and its neighboring counties, there have been 18 sightings and encounters. The most recent report in Clark County, according the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO), was in May of 2018. The encounter happened near Coldwater Creek Campground outside Yacolt, when a Sasquatch is said to have walked around someone’s camper, leaving footprints in the mud. North of Clark County in Cowlitz, two motorists reported seeing a young Sasquatch on a bridge outside Toutle along the route to Mount St. Helens. There is even a detailed story of Sasquatch bodies being flown out from the blast zone of the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption!
Those curious about the region’s Sasquatch encounters should explore the BFRO website. Here, you’ll learn that Bigfoot encounters are broken up into three categories: Class A, Class B and Class C experiences. Class C encounters are typically third-hand reports and those with untraceable stories, none of which are reported to have occurred in Lewis County. Class B is a little more serious. These encounters are when Sasquatch are observed at a great distance, in poor lighting conditions, and in any other circumstance that didn’t afford a clear view. The Bigfoot Field Research Organization (BFRO) says Class A sightings are when “reports involve clear sightings in circumstances where misinterpretation or misidentification of other animals can be ruled out with greater confidence.”

You probably have already made up your mind about whether you believe these stories as fact or dismiss them as tall tales by bored hunters and outdoor enthusiasts. While it is easy to be jaded about things like this, the legend of Bigfoot does present an opportunity for both young and old to go outside. Searching for Sasquatch, or trying to help prove it is a hoax, is a great excuse to explore in and around Clark County.
Tracking Sasquatch in the Pacific Northwest
Before you head out, we highly suggest picking up David George Gordon’s book, “The Sasquatch Seekers Field Manual.” This quirky, fun and educational book provides information about Sasquatch and even teaches you how to document your experiences. The book has a goal of helping everyone become a proficient citizen scientist, not only bringing Bigfoot into the spotlight of scientific scrutiny, but also helping future generations document and explore their surroundings in more detail. By inspiring readers and Sasquatch enthusiasts, this book will be a great guide to being a better steward of the land, observing nature closely, gathering scientifically acceptable data and refining wilderness navigation skills.

Most reported sightings around Southwest Washington come from the areas around Mount St. Helens. Even before the 1980 eruption, the region was a hotbed for Sasquatch sightings, helping our backyard become known as one of the most likely spots in America to see the mythical creature. A good place to start is out near Yacolt and Amboy, as many of the stories take place here. Most sightings around the Pacific Northwest are on Forest Service Roads, far from the popular destinations of the region. According to the BFRO website, most are seen around sunset, in the middle of the night, or right around dusk. However, that shouldn’t stop you from exploring during the day. Even if you don’t find hide nor hair of these elusive hide-and-seek champions, you have a chance of seeing deer, elk, bear and incredible views of the region. There are hundreds of tips from Sasquatch experts around North America, but few can compare to this detailed checklist created by a group in Canada. Give it a look and head out!
Where to Learn More about Sasquatch

If driving dirt roads isn’t your thing, an hour north of Vancouver will lead you to a small museum dedicated to both Sasquatch and Mount St. Helens. Known as the North Fork Survivors Gift Shop, this quirky stop is a must see for any Bigfoot enthusiast. Here, you’ll be greeted by a 28-foot tall concrete Bigfoot statue, as well as all sorts of evidence of the creature’s existence. You can also chat with the owners of the store, as they like to give tips on where people have recently spotted Bigfoot. We also strongly recommend connecting with the BFRO group, as many of the members are local and are eager to get more eyes out on the forests.
At the end of the day, Sasquatch does or does not exist. It is that simple. Some want to believe, others do not. Real or fake, Bigfoot is here to stay, as it is part of the lore of the Pacific Northwest. It is a representation of the wilds of nature, and something to entice more outdoor exploration.