Submitted by Battle Ground Education Foundation
For the fourth consecutive year, Russell Brent, owner of Mill Creek Pub in Battle Ground, has selected the Battle Ground Education Foundation as the recipient of the coins collected from the restaurant’s water wheel pond. In addition to the amount in the pond, Tapani Underground and Tradesmen Electric both added $500 and Waste Connections stepped forth by adding to the amount and being the foundation’s first sponsor for its 2018 School Days auction-dinner event with a check for $1600. The amount pulled from the pond and donated by Brent was $734.

Battle Ground Education Foundation’s mission is to enrich the lives of students by connecting the resources, cultures and talents of the local communities to the Battle Ground Public Schools. The foundation was created as a non-profit organization working to support Battle Ground Public Schools through programs and resources designed to enhance student opportunities. Funds raised through individual donations, service organizations, and local businesses are paid forward in the form of support for needy students and school projects and programs.
More information, visit the Battle Ground Education Foundation website.