Submitted by Downtown Camas Association
Lucky leprechauns, art gallery receptions, green activities, prizes, after hours shopping and more will be the focus of the “Go Green” themed March First Friday in Downtown Camas. Virtual activities start on Monday, March 1 and in-person First Friday activities are on March 5, 5 p.m.-8 p.m. Downtown businesses will be open late with specials, new products and prize drawings on First Friday along with useful tips in all the shop windows on ways to be green and take care of our planet.
There will be a “Find the Leprechaun” in-person passport that can be done all week starting Monday, March 1 and during First Friday 5 p.m.-8 p.m. When you find the leprechaun in the shops, you get a stamp on your passport and get entered to win a great “green” prize from that location! Plus, post your completed in-person passport on the First Friday FB page post by Saturday the 6th at noon and be entered to win a fabulous “green” prize basket from downtown–the more locations you go, the more chances you have to win! Passports are available in participating shops and on the First Friday Facebook page and on the First Friday webpage.
Juxtaposition, downtown’s newest retail store featuring furniture, home décor and gifts will also be celebrating their one year anniversary with free gifts with purchase, raffles and door prizes. They opened just before the pandemic hit so this anniversary will truly be a milestone worth celebrating.
Here are the virtual activities for the week, instructions on each daily Facebook post:
Sunday: In-person passport posted– Find the leprechaun in participating merchants and get your passport stamped and be entered to win a “green” prize.
Monday: Go Green Word Jumble.
Tuesday: Go Green Pick & Pic!
Wednesday: Make Recycled Art and post a picture of your creation!
Thursday: Leprechaun Seek and Find in Downtown Camas.
Friday: “Go Green” Virtual Downtown Passport—learn tips to take care of our Earth!
Participate in above activities and be entered to win gift cards and other prizes–the more you do, the more chances you have to win.
Winners will be announced live on the First Friday FB page at 5 p.m. and you can win for watching and participating!
“We’re excited to be back in downtown and having fun being green and finding the leprechauns!” says Carrie Schulstad, executive director for the DCA. “This is a favorite theme for young and old and the prizes you can win all throughout town add to the fun! The art galleries will be showcasing new art and Papermaker Pride has a big unveiling of a new collection especially for Camas locals. Make sure to wear green!”
The event is hosted by the Downtown Camas Association (DCA) and downtown merchants with sponsorship by Bear Insurance Broker.
First Fridays are Art, Activities, Dining, and After Hours Shopping themed family friendly events coordinated by the DCA each month of the year to support downtown and develop community and are being held both virtually and partially in-person until fully in-person First Friday events are again possible.
For more information, visit the Downtown Camas Association website or the Downtown Camas First Friday Facebook page.