Aman Lidder is busy putting his recent Saint Martin’s University Master of Accountancy (MAcc) degree to good use. This graduate degree has already created opportunities for him in the accounting profession, in his family’s business and in the community. Completing the degree means Lidder now qualifies to take the Certified Public Account (CPA) exam, paving the way for even greater career prospects.

“I am well prepared for things now,” he said of his Saint Martin’s master’s degree. “It opened doors for me.”

Aman Lidder sitting at a desk and smiling at the camera
Aman Lidder is busy putting his Saint Martin’s University Master of Accountancy graduate degree to great use in working at a local accounting and tax firm, supporting his family’s business, and creating a new nonprofit. Photo credit: Nancy Krier

Saint Martin’s Master of Accountancy Benefits Working Accountants and Accounting Undergraduates

The Master of Accountancy program is offered by the School of Business. The MAcc degree is designed both for persons who already have a bachelor’s degree and are continuing their accounting education, and for undergraduates who want to obtain a master’s degree in accounting in just one additional year through the Saint Martin’s Business 4+1 Program. “It allows seniors to get a jump start on their graduate education,” explained MAcc Program Director Diane Bingaman of the 4+1 accelerated option.

In evening classes held on the Lacey campus, the MAcc program teaches professional-level information covering complex topics in accounting, tax, audit, business and ethics. “It’s a broad set of knowledge,” said Lidder. Evening classes are taught so working professionals can fit in the class time with their busy schedules.

After receiving his bachelor’s in business administration at Saint Martin’s, Lidder obtained his MAcc in May 2023. He is already applying his graduate degree knowledge as a staff accountant at a tax and accounting firm in Thurston County. He is also employing what he learned in the MAcc program to help his family’s restaurant, the Curry House in Lacey. His skills are also serving the community in his role as treasurer for a board forming a new Sikh temple as a nonprofit corporation.

Saint Martin’s Master of Accountancy Helps Students Qualify for CPA Licensure Exam

At the same time, Lidder is preparing to take the CPA exam. The University launched the MAcc program in 2018 to help students satisfy the 150 college credits required to qualify for CPA licensure. Bingaman added that while the MAcc is not a CPA exam preparation platform, the program offers both broad-based advanced topics as well as CPA exam classes.

Saint Martin’s Master of Accountancy graduate Aman Lidder, second from left, joins Associate Professor Suzanne Chaille, Program Director Diana Bingaman, MAcc student Jan Francisco and Dean Chung-Shing Lee at the business school. Photo credit: Nancy Krier

Bingaman explained that the MAcc program’s mission of preparing the next generation of CPAs is becoming increasingly essential, as about 75% of today’s CPAs are expected to retire in the next 15 years. This shift in the workforce is creating a demand by businesses, organizations and agencies seeking this expertise. She said approximately 40% of Saint Martin’s accounting graduates work in government, 40% work at CPA firms, and 20% are hired by other private companies.

Saint Martin’s Accepts Master of Accountancy Program Applications Year-Round

Students can complete the required 30 credits in the full-time MAcc program in 12 months. With in-person classes of five to 10 students, students learn to:

  • Identify and research accounting principles and theories.
  • Critically analyze and interpret accounting data.
  • Become proficient in using accounting tools to make business decisions.
  • Present information in professional written and oral communications.

Saint Martin’s accepts MAcc applications for the fall, spring and summer terms on a rolling basis year-round, with special attention for admissions and scholarships given to submissions received by the priority deadline for the desired session. The priority deadlines are July 15, September 1, December 1, February 1 and April 15. More details on MAcc program admissions, prerequisites and priority deadlines are available on the program webpage.

Saint Martin’s University is an independent coeducational Benedictine liberal arts college with 31 majors, 11 master’s programs, one doctorate program and seven certificate programs. The University offers federal and state financial aid, scholarships and graduate assistantships to make its programs affordable for students and families. For more information on the Master of Accountancy program, visit the program webpage or contact Program Director Diane Bingaman.

Master of Accountancy Program at Saint Martin’s Creates Expanded Career Opportunities

School of Business Dean Chung-Shing Lee, DSc, says the MAcc program expands students’ career prospects in other ways. The program gives students the opportunity to attend important conferences, meet with corporate and accounting organization directors, associate with partner professional entities like the Nisqually Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors, and receive valuable input from the business community. “We connect our students with business and industry leaders,” Lee said.

Lidder was one of two Saint Martin’s students selected to attend a prestigious business conference last fall, joining approximately 130 students from around the country. “We were the smallest school there,” Lidder said. He shared the conference gave him a chance to meet with accounting leaders: “It shows that our students can compete with anyone.”

Professional connections generated at Saint Martin’s are not limited to just U.S. contacts. Lee has traveled with students to the University of Southern Denmark, a global partner university. “The visit gave students a chance to visit with foreign companies,” he said. “They met with students from Germany, Denmark and Italy, giving them a broader global perspective and connection.”

Saint Martin’s University
Master of Accountancy Program
5000 Abbey Way SE, Lacey


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